Wheel-Trans Customer Experience Strategy
TTC Wheel-Trans provides services for over 46,000 seniors and persons living with disabilities and relying on public transit within the City of Toronto. Aislin led an in-depth Customer Experience Strategy which began with a Customer Journey Mapping project to identify the pain points for persons with disabilities, along their transit journey, and create initiatives to enhance the customer experience.
Aislin’s work on Customer Journey Mapping for paratransit was published and presented with the Transportation Research Board in January 2019. You can read her paper here
Aislin also led an extensive policy redevelopment project launched in part following the recommendations of the Ontario Auditor General.
This policy development was highly complex, involving a significant amount of public stakeholder engagement and many internal staff groups with competing priorities. Ultimately, Aislin published over 23 customer facing policies including the first ever TTC Wheel-Trans Customer Code of Conduct Policy.
With over 14,000 employees, TTC policies cannot be developed in isolation. Aislin worked closely with senior management teams in transit operations, legal, human rights & diversity, accessibility, customer development, transit control, transit enforcement and stakeholder relations to successfully develop new policies.
Over 92% of customers attested to the success of the new policies resulting in a better user experience. Respondents highlighted increased freedom and flexibility, more independence and appreciated the clear expectations around service delivery.